AC 1.2 Different ways in which information for specified roles can be prepared.

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The successful recruitment process uses data and evidence to make decisions in various aspects, such as identifying and recruiting the right individuals (Peopledatalabs.com 2021). There are numerous ways through which information can be collected and prepared. The first way is through a job description. This entails describing key essential elements of a given job position in a given organisation. For example, a line manager job description explains the job position’s roles and responsibilities. Another special way information for specified roles can be prepared through person specification. Specifically, it entails a detailed explanation of skills, qualifications, knowledge and experience that a particular job applicant must possess to be considered for a particular job.  The third way is through observation. This entails observing a candidate to identify their suitability for a particular job. In specific, it entails taking notes or sometimes recording a person’s activity to understand better if they are suitable for the job position. An interview or an engagement with a particular candidate is also critical in unearthing whether they are qualified for a particular job position. Lastly, information for a specified role can be obtained through background checks. Specifically, background checks help identify critical information about a particular candidate (Shrm.org 2022a). This information includes criminal records, among many others, that are critical in deciding on the candidate.

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