AC 6.3 Summarise different face-to-face and blended learning and development approaches, including; facilitation, training, coaching, and mentoring.

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Employees who are well trained appear more-happier and more productive ( 2022). Thus, it is essential to take into consideration not only the materials that need to be taught but also the training method. Technological advancements have provided employers with a wide range of training methods than before. However, although a company may decide to adopt new or old technology, it is vital to understand that everyone learns differently. There are three major learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic (learning through actions) ( 2022). Employee learning and development can further be categorised as face-to-face and blended learning and development. Face-to-face is provided in person through a one-on-one session or in a group setting. On the other hand, blended learning integrates technology and digital media with conventional instructor-led classroom teaching.

Now shifting our attention to employee training methods, there is a wide range of employee training. The first learning and development method that employers can adopt is technology-based learning. Also known as e-learning, technology-based learning is conducted online with a computer’s aid. Another critical learning and training method are on-the-job training. This refers to instructions for employees that occur in their workplace. In specific, it entails observing others hands-on completing their tasks under the supervision of a trainer or a co-worker. Coaching and mentoring are other vital training learning and method approaches. Employee coaching can be defined as the process of helping employees achieve their goals and objectives without negatively impacting their morale. The four essential types of coaching are executive coaching, team coaching, virtual coaching, and integrated coaching (CCL 2022). On the other hand, mentoring entails establishing a partnership between employees for the purposes of learning and growth. In most instances, a partnership between junior employees and more experienced employees is established to enable them to grow in their positions.

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AC 6.3 Summarise different face-to-face and blended learning and development approaches, including; facilitation, training, coaching, and mentoring.

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