AC 6.4 Explain how individual requirements and preferences must be accommodated in the design and delivery of learning and development initiatives.

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Learners’ requirements and preferences are prerequisites for effective learning and development (Hayden 2021). Consequently, learning and development experts have attempted to develop programs that effectively cater to each learner’s needs. When selecting effective learning and development initiatives, successful course developers take into account learner preferences. Past and current research works have shown that learner preferences play a significant role in the success of any learning and development initiatives. One of the key reasons why learning and development initiatives should consider individual preferences is that different employees require and prefer-different types of training. This is because learning and development initiatives are affected by factors such as job complexity, job function or the deportment in which the employees work.

 On the other hand, all employees in an organisation have different learning and development learning times. Thus, an organisation’s role is to ensure that learning and development are offered at each of the employees’ convenience. Additionally, those developing learning and development programmes should take into consideration employees’ history of learning. For instance, it could be inappropriate to have an employee who has learned a particular course repeat the same. This is not only a waste of time but also a waste of an organisation’s resources. Moreover, training and development designers need to ensure that their programmes are ethical. For instance, it could be ethically wrong to offer training and development on Sundays in an organisation where the majority of employees are Christians.

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AC 6.4 Explain how individual requirements and preferences must be accommodated in the design and delivery of learning and development initiatives.

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