Discuss the concept of ‘ethical values’, and how at least three ethical values that you hold personally impact (or could impact) on your work as a people practice professional. (1.2)

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 1891 views

Ethical value can easily be defined as doing that which is right unconditionally. It acts as a moral compass for how individuals relate to each other and make their decisions (CIPD, 2019).  As a people professional, ethical decision-making and problem-solving are integral parts of my daily routine. My professional role typically expects me to set an example of ethical behaviour in the workplace. My three most valued ethical practices include; Integrity, honesty and responsibility. These values are really important especially in the workplace where individuals are expected to carry themselves professionally. To begin with, an individual with integrity is one who can be trusted. When employees have integrity then the managers can better perform their roles as they do not have to micromanage each task assigned to the employee. Furthermore, work with persons of integrity is easier as everyone does what is expected of them when it is expected of them. Honesty is also key building an environment of trust within the organisation. As a people professional it is important to ensure that not only do the employees embrace honesty but that it is part of the organisational culture. This has helped create trust between us and our customers which has greatly influenced our ability to retain them. Finally, responsibility is one key aspect of being a professional. Taking responsibility does not only mean in partaking our duties and roles but also being accountable when we fail to meet expectations. I ensure to act as a role model both at work and at home both performing my tasks efficiently and also admitting when I make mistakes or make wrong decisions.

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Discuss the concept of ‘ethical values’, and how at least three ethical values that you hold personally impact (or could impact) on your work as a people practice professional. (1.2)

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