AC 2.4 Models for how Change is Experienced

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The Kubler-Ross Five Stage model posits that organizations seeking change or placed in a situation in which change is inevitable may have to experience five stages for a complete organisational overhaul. The model references psychological concepts to observe that an organisation in need of change may initially exist in a state of self-denial (Amin and Mohamad, 2017). A substantive example to highlight this aspect is the reality of institutions that faced financial crisis from fraud by top executives. It is observed that these facilities begin at the point of completely denying such realities. Consistent prodding for the truth by stakeholders, members of the public and authorities can drive the organisation into the second stage of anger. Thirdly, and based on the rise of potentially damning evidence, the organisation may get into the bargaining stage possibly trying to manage the situation. Should the situation persist, the organisation may enter into a state of non-action carrying all the elements of depression. It is this stage that paves way for the final phase of acceptance. During acceptance, it is expected that the organisation will make changes inclusive of disciplinary action on culprits. The Kubler-Ross model does present the ways in which most organizations experience chances especially during crises.

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AC 2.4 Models for how Change is Experienced

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