AC 1.2 Connections Between Organisational Strategy, Products, Services and Customers

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Organisational strategy functions as the operational engine of an entity and directs the form of actions on products, services and customers. Clarified values, a well-defined mission and an ambitious vision carry the potential of determining organisational trajectory on the three critically important elements. An organisation keen on delivering a future-proof product can immensely invest in a strong product design framework. Organisations have used the elements of concept designs, rolling out of prototypes and testing markets prior to releasing products. This tactic creates a collective mindset of preparation and facilitates a strong understanding of the market. Apple Inc has consistently employed the strategy of testing its iPhone device brand prior to actual market releases (Yan, 2016). It is this organizational strategy that has realized consistent success for the company. An organisation that understands how its products serves the customers and the market dynamics behind the product releases stands near sustainable success.

Various operating components can guide how an organisation can align its overall strategy to meet customer needs. At the apex of this framework is the need to deliver quality services and products. Mercedes, as a corporation, has consistently sold itself as an automaker keen on quality vehicles. An organisation may also carry the preference of activating a favourable pricing model to capture defined consumer demographics. Chinese phone companies deliver affordably priced devices to Asian and African markets managing to carve out a strong niche on the basis of their pricing models. Creating extremely amazing customer experience frameworks has raised the performance portfolio of organisations around the world. A 2022 report by Forbes on companies focusing on exemplary customer services indicated that Starbucks rose as the best restaurant brand in 2022 due to its dynamic customer service approach (Morgan, 2022). The value of customer service operations amplifying brand values cuts across all sectors around the world.

Every organization’s operating model should be in structured in a manner that allows its to keep up with an evolving strategy. Nokia can qualify as one of the commercial institutions around the world that failed to have its operating model answer to evolving consumer needs (Atmar, Becdach, Kleinman and Rieckhoff, 2019). The organizational pace in evaluating overall strategy should remain in clear consideration of surrounding internal factors for the purpose of eliminating confusion and creating disconnection.

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AC 1.2 Connections Between Organisational Strategy, Products, Services and Customers

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