When faced with a situation which conflicts with ethical values or legislation, it is important to recognise when and how you should raise the matter. The first step is identifying the ethical or legal issue (Sarokin, 2020). This can be done by examining the facts of the situation and the relevant legislation or ethical framework. Once the issue has been identified, it is important to consider the implications of the ethical or legal violation and the potential risks associated with taking action. In cases where the ethical or legal violation is minor, it may be appropriate to raise the issue with the relevant parties professionally and respectfully. Therefore, When I encounter a situation in the workplace that conflicts with ethical values, I ensure that I am aware of the ethical values the organisation has set out and the specific policies and procedures related to them. I then assess the situation objectively, analyse the facts, weigh the pros and cons, and evaluate the potential outcomes. If I feel that the issue at hand needs to be discussed, I ensure that all facts are presented accurately and respectfully. I would then raise the matter with the appropriate person in the organisation, such as the HR department or a senior manager. I would also ensure that I provide recommendations for potential solutions for how the issue could be addressed and the potential consequences of not addressing the issue.
In more serious cases where there is a potential risk to individuals or harm to the public, it may be necessary to raise the matter with an appropriate authority. For example, if the ethical or legal violation involves a breach of health and safety legislation, it may be necessary to report the matter to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). In cases where the ethical or legal violation is serious, and there is a risk of harm to the public or individuals, it is important to report the matter to the appropriate authorities. This can be done anonymously if the individual wishes to remain anonymous. For example, the UK has a whistleblowing helpline which allows individuals to report ethical and legal violations anonymously (CIPD, n.d).
CIPD (n.d.) Information on whistleblowing, CIPD. Available at: https://www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/fundamentals/emp-law/whistleblowing.
Sarokin, D. (2020) Ethical conflicts in the Workplace, Small Business – Chron.com. Chron.com. Available at: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/ethical-conflicts-workplace-14216.html.
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