Approaches That an Organisation Can take to Build and Support Different Talent Pools

The first approach is to create a dedicated talent pool (Lauby, 2018). This involves recruiting and developing a specific talent pool within the organisation that can be tapped into when needed. A dedicated talent pool allows an organisation to have a pool of high-level talent that can be tapped into in times of need. This allows the organisation to fill roles quickly and with the best candidates. This talent pool can be utilised to fill roles for which there may be a shortage of qualified candidates. For example, a dedicated talent pool helps build a strong talent development culture for an organisation looking to fill a specialised role. Through regular recruitment and training activities, the organisation can focus on developing the skills of individuals in the pool, so they are prepared to take on higher-level roles in the future. This helps to ensure that the organisation has a steady stream of internal talent that can be tapped into as needed.

The second approach is to utilise external talent pools. Utilising external talent pools in an organisation can help build and support different talent pools. This is done by engaging with external recruitment and staffing agencies specialising in sourcing, assessing and recruiting qualified professionals and talent for particular roles (Lauby, 2018). For example, an organisation may partner with a staffing agency to source sales representatives with specific skills and qualifications, such as fluency in a foreign language or a background in a particular industry. This helps the organisation to access a larger pool of talent, as well as access to a more diverse range of skills and qualifications. This approach is often cheaper than recruiting internally and can provide organisations with access to a wide range of skills and expertise.

The third approach is to diversify recruitment (Neelie, 2020). This involves actively seeking out and recruiting talent from diverse backgrounds and industries. Diversifying recruitment in an organisation can help build and support different talent pools by increasing the pool of potential candidates and creating a more inclusive environment. This can be accomplished by expanding the criteria for recruitment to include a larger range of backgrounds, skills, and experiences. For example, an organisation may look for candidates with diverse educational backgrounds, life experiences, and cultural backgrounds. This can open up the opportunity for more diverse talent to join the organisation and contribute their unique perspectives and skills. This approach helps organisations create an inclusive and diverse culture and access new skills, perspectives, and ways of thinking. The final approach is to cultivate a culture of learning and development (Neelie, 2020). This involves investing in developing existing talent and creating an environment where employees can learn and grow. This approach allows organisations to create an engaged and productive workforce more likely to stay with the company.


Lauby, S. (2018) 4 steps for developing a talent pool, SHRM. SHRM. Available at:  

Neelie (2020) 9 ways to build and manage your talent pool, Harver. Available at: