Organisational strategy denotes a plan outlining way an entity intends to attain its objectives and goals. The plan’s basis is long-term, and its design ensures the entity is successful and remains competitive in future. It is the decision-making blueprint and summaries the entity’s competitive advantages, capabilities and resources (Johnson et al., 2020). The organisational strategy has the following core areas;
Strategy analysis
This refers to evaluating an organisational strategy’s performance and identifying improvement areas. It comprises studying the organisation’s objectives, market share, position and resources, besides assessing the current strategy’s success in attaining these goals (Johnson et al., 2020). It assists in the identification of the current strategy’s strengths and weaknesses and pinpointing improvement opportunities.
Strategy development
This is when an organisation develops a plan for attaining its objectives. This encompasses defining the entity’s objectives and goals, analysing the competitors and the environment and creating an action plan to arrive at the objectives and goals (Johnson et al., 2020). The strategy should be clearly defined to ensure the entity is on track to attain its objectives.
Strategy implementation
It is the procedure of putting the strategy into action. It encompasses establishing the relevant resources, processes and systems to ensure strategy adherence. Besides, it involves communicating the strategy to every stakeholder, encompassing the customers and employees (Johnson et al., 2020). Hence, the strategy’s implementation should be keenly monitored to ensure its success.
The connection between organisational strategy and products
Products refer to the goods which a business sells and produces. The connection between products and organisational strategy comes from how the organisation utilises products to attain particular objectives. Organisational strategy directs product growth, sales and marketing. Products should be designed to align with the entity’s strategy (Pattanayak, 2020). For instance, should the organisation’s strategy focus on cost efficiency, the products should be manufactured to minimise costs and maximise efficiency. Products also require marketing and selling in ways consistent with the organisation’s strategy. For example, if the organisation’s strategy targets a particular niche market, the products should be advertised in ways appealing to the market. Hence, this connection is a critical part of any business’s success.
Organisational strategy and services
Services are processes or activities which organisations perform to give their customers value. The services an entity gives should align with its objectives and goals. The services should be tailored to the entity’s mission and vision and must be developed in ways considering the customers. The connection between services and organisational strategy is that an excellent strategy should have a back of effective operations and services for success. The absence of services would make the strategy remain on paper and never be actualised (Pattanayak, 2020). Besides, lacking a sound strategy would make the services inefficient or ineffective. Together, services and strategy form the basis for a successful entity.
Organisational strategy and customers
Organisational strategy and customers are connected since customers are a key part of any entity’s strategy. An organisation’s customers are the most critical stakeholders and should be at the core of the entity’s strategy. Organisations should design their strategy in ways maximising customer loyalty and satisfaction. A robust understanding of customer preferences and needs should underpin the organisational strategy. Companies should know their customers’ wants and ways they could meet them. Their focus should be on offering a service or product, meeting the customers’ expectations and that they can easily access. Besides, an organisational strategy should encompass building and maintaining customer associations. Organisations should understand their customers’ values, wants and needs and apply this knowledge to create a stronger customer experience. Organisations should engage actively with customers via in-person, social media, phone and email channels. Additionally, an organisational strategy should encompass a customer retention plan. Companies should ensure that customers have a positive encounter with them and are content with their services and products (Pattanayak, 2020). Hence, organisations should progressively strive to improve their services and products to meet customer expectations and needs.
Johnson, G. et al. (2020). Exploring strategy. Google Books. Available at:
Pattanayak, B. (2020). Human resource management, sixth edition. Google Books. Available at:
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