CIPD Level 5

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CIPD Level 3

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CIPD Level 7

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Explain how people professionals create value for people, organisations and wider stakeholders

Explain how the application of agreed policies and procedures inform decisions

Explain the different types of quantitative and qualitative data measurements that people professionals use

Explain the importance of using data in organisations and why there is the need to ensure that data is accurate when determining problems and issues

Explain what evidenced-based practice is and how it might be applied within an organisation. It should also identify how different types of evidence-based practice can be used to inform principle-led judgements and outcomes for an organisation

How organisational change can impact people in different ways, such as changing their role or status or financial situation, and the different ways people may respond to change.

The nature and importance of different roles that can be played by people practice professionals, in relation to change agendas. You might consider roles such as: gatekeeper, champion, facilitator, critical friend or record-keeper.

Why it is important that organisational change is planned, and effectively managed.

How organisations are whole systems, in which different areas and aspects such as structure, systems and culture, are all inter-related, and how people professionals work and actions could impact elsewhere in the organisation.

A short review of different technologies available to people professionals and how these can be, or are, used to improve working practices and collaboration. You might consider for example, technologies relating to communications, information sharing, record keeping, learning, wellbeing, productivity, or security.

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