4.1 Explain the main provisions of collective employment law.

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The collective employment law was enacted to permit the existence of trade unions and to provide employees with the option of joining labour organisations. The law protects employees’ right to join any union of their choosing without fear of retaliation from their employers (Oxford reference, 2021). Employees have the freedom under the law to join as many unions as they want during their employment period with any firm. As per the collective employment law, employees in any organisation with at least 21 individuals and a membership of at least 10 workers can form a trade union. Trade unions are obligated by law to protect their members in negotiations, dispute resolution, and collective bargaining negotiations. Employers must consult with trade unions during redundancies and the transfer of undertakings to ensure fairness and adherence to agreements, as per the legislation.

In collective bargaining, the decisions made by trade unions on behalf of the employees are legally binding and reflect the choices made by the members themselves. Under the collective employment law, employers are required to adhere to the collective bargaining agreement terms. In the event that organisations breach agreements, trade unions can bring legal action against them for compensation. Under collective employment law, employees have the right to join in industrial action set up by the trade unions of which they are members. According to the legislation, trade unions are required to follow the law and any pending court injunctions in the event of industrial action. Aside from that, the legislation protects employees from being victimized by their employers when they are participating in industrial actions.

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4.1 Explain the main provisions of collective employment law.

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