2.2 Distinguish between official and unofficial employee action.

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When conflicts arise in an organisation, management ensures that they are addressed and that they do not escalate. Numerous issues contributing to organisational conflicts and grievances include a need for improved working conditions, unfulfilled collective bargaining rights, and increased remuneration (Harcourt et al., 2021). When an organisations’ staff seek to air their issues, and none are resolved peacefully to the satisfaction of both parties, they may take formal or informal action.

A trade union formally supports an official employee action, and union members participate, such as official strikes. Over the years, workers have formed and joined trade unions in order to safeguard their interests as employees. Under official actions, trade unions intervene on behalf of their members in order to negotiate and reach a settlement (Harcourt et al., 2021). The only time action is taken is when a solution cannot be found. These official actions must be carried out in accordance with legal procedures to guarantee that the action is protected.

Unofficial action, on the other hand, is not protected. Employees may opt for go-slows if their issues are not addressed without the support of trade unions. However, because unofficial actions are not safeguarded, employees risk the possibility of being dismissed. (Harcourt et al., 2021). Employee actions, both official and unofficial, have a negative impact on workplace performance. As a result, it is critical for management to respond quickly to workplace issues and disputes before they escalate to the point of resulting in employee actions.

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