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To review and evaluate data, various human resource analytical techniques are available. This section used Microsoft Excel to do a data analysis on the supplied data.There The graph below summarises employee feedback on their immediate supervisors. 250 respondents disagreed with the notion that line managers delegate authority, while 245 believed that line managers do not convey the rationale for changes and decisions. According to 219 respondents, line managers were unapproachable. The three categories listed previously had the highest percentage of respondents rating their line managers negatively. As illustrated in graph 1, the majority of respondents disapproved of their line supervisors’ most positive characteristics.

As illustrated above, a pie chart represents data as a circular graph. The pie slices represent variables that should add up to the total. For instance, 256 employees responded to questions in total. 156 employees disagreed, while 100 agreed, on the issue of line manager assistance. The graph above illustrates the percentile distribution of this data. Simple to read and comprehend, pie charts. Additionally, they visualise data as a fraction of a whole.
Customer feedback Analysis
143 respondents agreed that the packaging was adequate and effectively protected the products. 142 clients expressed dissatisfaction with the manner in which their initial inquiries were handled; 114 complained that the selection of goods and products was insufficient to fulfil their needs.

The statistics collected generally reveal a performance difference between employees and their line managers. As indicated by client feedback, the disparity impairs performance. According to the findings, line managers’ decision-making processes must include employees. Additionally, line managers should foster an organisational culture that values and appreciates its personnel.
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According to the CIPD (2020), people data and analytics may assist human resources and other management personnel in an organisation in resolving business challenges and making choices. Numerous sorts of data are beneficial for quantifying and illuminating human behaviour. Qualitative data is based on human observation of employee behaviours, habits, skills, and other performance-related aspects. This data provides an in-depth understanding of issues as well as descriptive information about how various issues are expressed in language. Utilising techniques such as brainstorming, questionnaires, and interviews, qualitative data can be utilised to assess work and individual performance. Employee turnover can be quantified qualitatively through brainstorming groups or departure interviews.
On the other side, quantitative data illustrates performance through the use of numbers and figures. While quantitative data is more precise and reliable, it is also short-lived. Quantitative data can be utilised to construct and maintain records for weekly work hours, employee retention rates, employee count, and employee age. This information can be gathered and analysed using various human resource analytical software programmes.
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There are different methods of representing finding through graphs. Some of the commonly used types of graphs are; Bar graphs , line graphs, histograms and pie charts. The finding of this analysis have been presented using different graphs in AC 2.1 above.
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The process through which an organisation creates value may be affected by the need to grow and expand, the desire for a return on investment, or the desire to meet customers’ needs (Payal Sondhi, 2018). By efficiently utilising human potential, value can be created. The main goal of good people management is to add value to the company and its employees, as well as the community around them. Value can be made by making money, or by giving employees a sense of what they want to do. The value that the society gets from this could be in the form of long-term sustainability and a high-quality life. In the mission and strategy of an organisation, they write down what they want to achieve. Real business value is found in the factors that affect an organization’s business goals (Brugman and Dijk, 2020).
Apart from 360-degree feedback, there are a variety of alternative approaches and instruments for assessing the impact and value of human resource practices. Value and impact measurement are critical components of meeting corporate objectives. Additionally, it can ensure that an organisation has employees who contribute, justify spending on various human resource activities, continuously enhance employee performance, and identify organisational needs and gaps to enable educated business decisions.
The cost-benefit analysis is critical for determining which decisions should be made and which should be avoided. It is the process through which the anticipated benefits of an action are added up and then subtracted from the total cost of the action (Hayes And Anderson, 2021). For instance, all employees deemed to have performed well earned a £400.00 incentive. According to the published statistics, 245 employees are eligible for bonus payments. As a result, the corporation would spend £ 98,000.00 on bonuses in total. However, a budget of £75,000.00 was allocated. If every employee received the bonus, the organisation would have spent an additional £23,000.00.
The bonus amount should be reduced to match the budget, based on the cost-benefit analysis of the circumstance. Alternatively, different incentive programmes, both intrinsic and extrinsic, can be employed to recognise exceptional performers. Additionally, the organisation can improve performance by rewarding individuals who earn a five or six. Employees with a five-star rating may enhance their performance as a result, which affects the organisation’s performance.
Return on investment is a metric that can be used to determine the likelihood of profiting from an investment. ROI is a ratio that indicates the relationship between gains and losses, and cost. The return on investment (ROI) calculation determines the possible returns on investment. In the preceding example, the return would be negative because the budget allocation was exceeded. The return on investment is expressed as a percentage to make it more understandable.
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