3CO03 – Core behaviours for people professionals

Estimated reading: 14 minutes 5907 views

Task One

AC 1.1 Explain what is meant by ‘ethical principles’ and ‘professional values’ and how these might inform how people approach their work.

Ethical principles encompass general judgments that justify certain ethical assessments and prescriptions of human behaviours and actions. They act as a moral compass by which individuals make decisions and live their lives. Ethical principles guide one to do the right thing. Ethical principles are either reinforced externally or ingrained within a person to assist them in acting accordingly and distinguishing between wrong and right (Aradhya, 2020). They are independent of an individual’s subjective viewpoints and form parts of normative theories that defend moral judgments. Professional values refer to the core ethics and values that one adopts and demonstrates in their areas of work (CIPD, 2022). They are guiding principles and beliefs that impact an individual’s work behaviour. These traits encompass actions, skills, and behaviours that numerous employers search for and wish for in employees. They are generally an extension of one’s personal values like helpfulness, accountability, trust, honesty, and generosity. Although professional values might change with time and around diverse life circumstances, one’s core values and beliefs remain the same. Ethical principles inform how people approach their work by helping them apply professional values and principles and make responsible choices regarding their work.

Additionally, these principles enable them to consider the implications and purpose of their decisions, practices, and actions for all shareholders. It also makes people raise concerns about organisational practices and policies that are inconsistent with legislation or values. On the other hand, with professional values, one approaches work with particular levels of care and professionalism and holds themselves accountable for all that they do (Editorial Team, 2021). Furthermore, it determines an individual’s actions and mindset needed for professional fulfilment and success. Also, one approaches work in a genuine and trustworthy way, thus enabling one to build positive work relations with superiors and colleagues. For instance, treating others well is a professional value one may use in the workplace.

AC 1.2 Identify a piece of legislation and a code of practice that support ethical and professional practice, with examples of how a professional would conform to these.

The Equality Act 2010 is a piece of legislation that supports ethical and professional practice. This act legally protects individuals from discrimination both at their workplaces and in wider society. This equality act replaced earlier anti-discrimination legislation and simplified the law. It made the law easier to comprehend and comply with by eliminating inconsistencies (Bob, 2019). Additionally, it critically strengthens protection in certain situations by helping tackle inequality and discrimination. Professionals conform to the Equality Act of 2010 by promoting diversity and equality in the workplace. Treating workers fairly irrespective of their race, gender, age, and other characteristics is central to the Equality Act 2010 (Bob, 2019). Besides, it offers a platform for employees who have been subject to discrimination to raise concerns with the management and be guaranteed that the matter will be treated with the utmost seriousness.

People professionals should provide a supportive, inclusive, and safe environment for employees to further their knowledge regardless of their background or identity. Under the Equality Act, professionals must make reasonable adjustments to ensure that a disabled worker fulfils their responsibilities in the best way possible. For instance, professionals can physically adapt their workplaces to minimise the effects of their disability. The CIPD’s code of professional conduct supports ethical and professional practice. Professionals must be qualified members of the CIPD. While being a CIPD member is not essential to practising as a people professional, it plays a crucial role in improving and setting standards for people professionals, particularly in regards to ethical principles and professional values (CIPD, 2022). Since CIPD is the professional body in charge of people who practise professions, it has set standards that people must satisfy to become members and must observe once they gain CIPD’s membership. These behaviours and standards are explained and set in the professional code of conduct. This code encompasses four principles, namely: stewardship, integrity, and ethical standards; professional behaviour and competence; and representation of the profession (CIPD, 2022). Hence, professionals must demonstrate high integrity standards in their work to create a transparent and trustworthy workplace culture.

AC 2.1 Describe how a professional would demonstrate respectful and inclusive working in relation to:

  • Contributing views and opinions

A respectful and inclusive workplace allows both employees and employers to feel safe, accepted, and heard. Every employee should feel supported and welcome regardless of diverse characteristics such as age, culture, sexuality, gender, etc. Professionals demonstrate inclusive and respectful working when they seek feedback. This is critical since it ensures every employee is involved in and informed about important organisational matters. Besides, asking employees for their opinions and input makes them feel valued and heard. Seeking feedback from professionals in relation to contributing opinions and views makes the staff feel included and free to raise their concerns and opinions without fear of victimisation or alienation (Boatman, 2022). They are assured that their views will be embraced.

  • Clarifying problems or issues

A people professional can demonstrate respectful and inclusive working in relation to clarifying problems or issues by including every employee in discussions, meetings, and celebrations. Having employees in meetings or discussions promotes a collaborative working environment and produces new ideas for organisational problems (Boatman, 2022). Additionally, it encourages employees to identify solutions promptly and better solutions. Thus, if a professional is having a discussion or meeting to clarify problems, they should include every employee needed. Practicing transparency is another way professionals can demonstrate a respectful and inclusive working environment. Being transparent shows employees that they can be trusted with information and are willing to work towards finding solutions together.

  • Working effectively as part of a team

A professional can demonstrate respectful and inclusive working in relation to working effectively as part of a team by listening to all team members’ opinions and views. Listening carefully to what other team members have to say and allowing them adequate time to communicate their ideas is vital (Boatman, 2022). It promotes a happier, healthier, respectful, and inclusive environment. For instance, a people professional should ensure all team members have had an opportunity to speak first when they feel eager to share their thoughts. This encourages equal participation, which increases collaboration within a team. Additionally, recognising the achievements and strengths of individual team members promotes a respectful and inclusive working environment. It is essential for professionals to recognise the accomplishments and strengths of their teams. This can be done by praising them for their dedication, successes, or skills to demonstrate one’s appreciation and respect.

AC 2.2 Summarize different ways a people professional would stay up-to-date with people practise and world of work issues and developments, highlighting two in particular that you have personally found effective.

It is critical for people professionals to stay on top of people’s practise developments and world of work matters. This gives one a competitive edge and helps them acquire experience and recognise prospects for advancement (CIPD, 2019). Attending professional events is one of the ways a people professional can stay up-to-date with people practise and world of work issues and developments. These events provide valuable opportunities for one to learn about advancement and growth in people’s practises. Professional groups and companies often host workshops or seminars that give one direct insight and access to experts in their field (Partners, 2022). Hence, these events serve as constructive networking opportunities for individuals to brainstorm and exchange ideas with co-workers who can offer fresh perspective and insight. Undertaking a professional development course is the second way a professional can stay on top of practise and world developments. These courses help one learn new things, thus expanding one’s professional knowledge and skill set (Partners, 2022).

Part-time and online professional development courses permit one to continue working while they study. Hence, one can explore numerous courses associated with their industry and study them to build skills that can be applied to an extensive variety of roles. Having an industry buddy or mentor is one of the ways I have personally found effective in staying up-to-date with people’s practises. Enlisting the assistance of an industry buddy has given me an opportunity to acquire new information outside of the office. This situation encourages conversational flow with the chance to make queries without fear of judgement. This has broadened my perspective and helped me build up my industry knowledge. Social media is another way I have personally found effective to stay on top of people’s practises and world developments. I absorb the latest opinions and information by following leaders and industry experts on channels like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. LinkedIn, in particular, adds great insights to my conversations since it is a great means for interacting with industry leaders, colleagues, and trade groups.

Task 2

Appendix 1 – CPD Reflections (Activity 1- AC 2.3 Demonstrate proactive approaches to developing, recording and reflecting on your professional knowledge, skills and experiences.)

Reflection 1

Word Count – 318 Words

Formal/Informal Development activities from the last 12 monthsWhat did I learn?What did the learning experience tell me about myself?How does this learning experience impact my professional practice and the way I’ll approach situations in the future?What do I need to do next for this learning experience to have a wider positive impact (e.g., on others, my organisation, the sector, the profession, society)?
 Undertook a five-month programme on creating purposeful relationship and collaborations with others.            I attained vital skills and knowledge needed when working inclusively with diverse members of my team. The programme taught me that positive workplace relationships improve organisational performance and productivity while reducing cases of conflicts. Hence, employees work harmonious to accomplish a common objective. Besides, the programme educated me on the essence of having collaborations with colleagues and its role in promoting organisational growth, creativity and innovation.                           The new knowledge and skills learnt will enable me embrace the correct means of building and nurturing relationships amongst my team members and various shareholders in my firm. These admirable relationships will be critical in uniting the entire staff and enhancing their daily operations and roles. Besides, relating with clients will be easier since I already have the knowledge needed on building positive relationships with others.  I will work collaboratively with my co-workers to devise the best means for effective organisational goal attainment. This learning will assist me and my colleagues in assessing earlier methods that worked efficiently once applied and incorporating them into future organisational plans. Also, the programme assisted me in categorising different customers and developing appropriate methods for handling each individually.    I           I will urge my colleagues to undertake the same programme in order to acquire the skills and knowledge for this learning experience to have a wider positive impact on others, my organisation, the sector, the profession and the society at large. Furthermore, I offer community learning forums to provide members of the society on the importance of establishing purposeful relationships with other workmates in facilitating organisational efficiency in service delivery. Moreover, organisational departments should outline and publish a summary on crucial arguments from the programme, and then proceed to safely store the summary to act as mementos for all departments. Thus, the mementos can serve as a reference point for future and current staff to refer to.

Screenshots for reflection 1

Reflection 2

Word Count – 277 words

Formal/Informal Development activities from the last 12 monthsWhat did I learn?What did the learning experience tell me about myself?How does this learning experience impact my professional practice and the way I’ll approach situations in the future?What do I need to do next for this learning experience to have a wider positive impact (e.g. on others, my organisation, the sector, the profession, society)?
Participated in a four-month online research on enhancing employee voice.               I learnt that direct relation between employee wellbeing and job satisfaction, retention rates and employee productivity. Also, I gained skills and knowledge on various tools and techniques which entities implement to improve employee voice. Some of these tools include; focus groups, 360-degree feedbacks and use of pulse surveys. I learnt that use of these strategies is quite easy when a person is skilled and knowledgeable about them.    The learning experience told me that I enjoy listening to my colleagues’ viewpoints. Moreover, the learning experience told me that I am mindful when considering others diverse perspectives in a wide range of topics.T My learning experience will enable me to develop and implement people practices that positively impact employees’ overall wellbeing like flexible working hours, health and financial plans and wellness programs. Moreover, this learning will impact my professional practice in promoting my firm’s employee voice by collecting feedback and using employee voice tools to inform organisational policies and practices.    I         I will ask the top management to hire instructors and pay internet fees for my co-workers to undertake the same online research so as to acquire knowledge on means to enhance employee voice. Additionally, I will write down crucial sum-up-points on employee voice and offer them to my co-workers and organisational departments to gain the skills that I learnt. Also, I will advocate for regular use of online employee voice tools to develop one’s understanding of core voice tools and employee wellbeing. Moreover, I will encourage colleagues, team members, shareholders and clients to freely voice their opinions and views on various platforms for improved services and increased engagement.

Screenshots for reflection 2

Reflection 3

Word Count – 163 Words

Formal/Informal Development activities from the last 12 monthsWhat did I learn?What did the learning experience tell me about myself?How does this learning experience impact my professional practice and the way I’ll approach situations in the future?What do I need to do next for this learning experience to have a wider positive impact (e.g., on others, my organisation, the sector, the profession, society)?
Joined an evidence-based people practice mentorship workshop for three months.                 ]         I learnt about effective methods of making good judgements and decisions that fact-informed. Also, I learnt that it is crucial for a people professional to be directed by expertise consultation, evidence literature when making decisions. Besides, I learnt that collaboration between organisational functions is vital for its success.  The learning told me that I can mentor my team members, peers, and co-workers effectively.            I will use the learning experience to improve my decision-making processes by consulting widely and using relevant evidence. Additionally, I will work collaboratively with co-workers in my profession to promote organisational growth and stability.   ly the  I         To have a wider positive impact I will inform my colleagues in people practice to summarise vital points I acquired in the workshop to refer back to when developing practices and policies critical for realisation of the entity’s success.              


Aradhya D. (2020, October 24). Ethics: Definition, principles, importance, ethical issues, ethical dilemma, code of ethics. Your Article Library. (Online). Retrieved November 7, 2022 from https://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/business/ethics/ethics/99812

Boatman, A. (2022, June 28). 7 ways HR can help create an inclusive environment at work. (Online). Retrieved November 7, 2022 from https://www.aihr.com/blog/inclusive-environment-at-work/

Bob, H. (2019). Equal Rights Trust. (Online). Retrieved November 7,2022 from https://www.equalrightstrust.org/ertdocumentbank/bob%20hepple.pdf

CIPD. (2022). Code of professional conduct. (Online). Retrieved November 7, 2022 from https://www.cipd.co.uk/about/what-we-do/professional-standards/code#gref

CIPD. (2019, September 23). Building inclusive workplaces. (Online). Retrieved November 7, 2022 from https://www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/fundamentals/relations/diversity/building-inclusive-workplaces#gref

CIPD. (2022, August 24). Ethical practice and the role of people professionals | Factsheets | CIPD. (Online). Retrieved November 7, 2022 from https://www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/culture/ethics/role-hr-factsheet#gref

Indeed Editorial Team. (2021, November 30). Just a moment... What are personal and professional values and why are they important? Just a moment (Online). Retrieved November 7,2022 from https://uk.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/personal-professional-values

Partners, M. (2022, September 22). 11 ways to keep your skills and knowledge current. MBO Partners. (Online). Retrieved November 7, 2022 from https://www.mbopartners.com/blog/how-manage-small-business/how-to-keep-your-skills-and-knowledge-current-and-why-it-matters1/

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