Maslow’s hierarchy theory
This is a motivational approach in psychology, suggesting that individuals have particular needs which should be fulfilled to attain self-actualisation. According to the theory, physiological needs, such as shelter, water and food, is the most basic need. As needs are accomplished, more advanced requirements emerge, such as safety, love and belonging, self-esteem and self-actualisation as the final stage (Indeed Editorial Team, 2022).
The hierarchy theory supports ethical people practice by recognising the importance of giving employees their basic requirements. It recognises that employees require having their basic needs accomplished to be satisfied and productive with their jobs. Employers can show their ethical practices’ commitment by giving employees a safe working atmosphere, sufficient salaries, and job security. The theory also suggests that advanced-level requirements such as esteem, belonging, and love are critical for employee satisfaction. Employers recognise the importance of these needs and give employees recognition and a sense of purpose (Indeed Editorial Team, 2022). This creates a positive work atmosphere. Besides, by establishing such an atmosphere, employers can ensure that their employees are motivated and contented to work.
Business benefits of people at work feeling included, valued, and fairly treated.
An inclusive, positive working environment increases staff motivation and morale. In turn, this results in better quality products and services, enhanced customer service and higher productivity. Individuals who feel valued, included and fairly treated are more likely to take ownership of their work and could become more engaged in the business (Wong, 2020). This will lead to a more vital team spirit and enhanced collaboration.
Additionally, an inclusive working atmosphere helps attract and retain a committed, diverse, talented workforce. A team which reflects its stakeholders, clients, customers and suppliers’ diversity will assist in creating a more creative and open work environment which fosters innovation, makes better strategic decisions and results in high profitability. Additionally, a business that fairly treats its employees is more likely to be reputable in the broader community (Wong, 2020). This results in increased sales and customer loyalty.
Feeling included, valued and fairly treated encourages a sense of belonging, an individual’s primary need. When individuals feel part of something larger than themselves, it enforces their sense of motivation and purpose. The sense of belonging could result in increased job satisfaction, productivity and morale. Besides, it reduces employees’ feelings of stress, fear and anxiety. Individuals are more likely to feel secure and empowered in their work environment when they feel valued and respected. This could result in higher job satisfaction since individuals are more confident in their ability and abilities to contribute to the workplace (Wong, 2020). Also, this could increase employee commitment and loyalty since they are more likely to remain in the organisation should they feel supported and appreciated.
Indeed Editorial Team. (2022). Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Applying It in the Workplace. Just a moment… Available at:
Wong, K. (2022, August 29). Diversity and inclusion in the workplace: Benefits and challenges. Achievers. Available at: