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Organisations should ensure efficient outcomes via team collaboration, outcomes through goal setting, regular progress assessment and clear feedback and communication.
Decision-making processes;
De bono six hats
This is a tool developed by Edward de Bono, which encourages people to explore various perspectives and be open-minded in their problem-solving approach. The six hats encompass the blue hat (control and overview), black hat (negatives and risks), red hat (feelings and emotions), green hat (creative ideas), yellow hat (positive outlook) and white hat (information and facts). The six hats could be used in organisations to ensure effective outcomes. By encouraging people to embrace various views, the six hats assist in facilitating more productive conversations and identifying solutions that could have been overlooked. This could be useful when the team faces a challenging challenge to address (Channell, 2021). The various hats stimulate the team’s thought procedures and generate ideas that may not have been considered. For example, a company could attempt to come up with a way of increasing profits. The team could begin by using the white hat to discuss the facts and analyse the present financial situation. They can then use the red hat to consider the feelings and emotions of their staff and customers. The yellow hat can be used to look at the solutions’ aspects and discover ways of making them work. The black hat could pinpoint any negatives and risks of the proposed solutions. The organisation can use the green hat to develop creative ideas and think outside the box. Lastly, the blue hat could be used to review the ideas and decide the best action.
Action learning
This approach to learning and problem-solving is applied in a group setting. The approach encourages people to work together to pinpoint and solve challenges while learning from the procedure. It is a cyclical procedure encompassing four primary steps: action, reflection, learning and action. The action-learning approach could ensure that effective outcomes are achieved in entities by offering a platform for employees to collaborate and share their unique perspectives on a challenge. It encourages critical thinking and allows for various ideas and solutions to be explored. Besides, it could assist in fostering relationships between employees and building trust (Indeed Editorial team, 2022). This could result in increased creativity, innovation, and collaboration. Consequently, this could result in enhanced organisational outcomes and better problem-solving.
An example of action learning can be used in a software start-up company who required to create a new product. The action-learning approach can bring together a group of employees from various departments to work together to identify and solve the challenge. The group could collaborate to brainstorm solutions and ideas while reflecting on their learning and action from the process. This will allow the group to develop a better understanding of the challenges and come up with more creative solutions.
Channell, M. (2021, April 12). The six thinking hats: How to improve decision making, with examples. TSW Training. Available at:
Indeed Editorial Team. (2022). What Is Action Learning? (And How To Use It at Work). indeed. Available at: