The first step in the process is recruitment, which entails advertising job openings and attracting a pool of qualified applicants. This can be accomplished through a variety of means, including job advertisements on corporate websites, social media, and job boards, as well as employee referrals and employment agencies (Balasubramanian, 2014).
This process is important because:
It shows the path the organization should take since it is the first step in staffing before selection, induction, or retention (Balasubramanian, 2014).
It Increases the number of job candidates at a minimal cost.
Helps raise the success rate of the selection by reducing the number of underqualified or overqualified job applicants (Das, 2018).
Minimizes the chances that job applicants, once recruited and selected, will leave the organization after a short period.
It meets the organization’s legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its workforce (Das, 2018).
It is a process of identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be great candidates (Das, 2018).
To Increase the individual’s short-term and long-term organizational effectiveness
Evaluate the effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and decide which ones to use and which ones to avoid (Das, 2018).
This includes assessing applicants’ experiences through interviews, reference checks, background checks, and other evaluation methods. The selection process’s objective is to ensure that the candidates selected have the skills needed, abilities, and ability to perform well in the role (Petersen, 2019).
It is important to select because:
A good employee needs to be hired so as to deliver high-quality and professional work
A new employee impacts the rest of the staff, they can either be motivated or demotivated (Petersen, 2019).
Employee turnover is expensive so the right applicant needs to be elected to save the organization the hustle of dismissing them (Petersen, 2019).
The final step in the process is induction, which involves introducing new employees to the organization’s culture, policies, and procedures. A well-designed induction program can make new employees feel appreciated and valued, as well as provide the guidance and assistance they need to succeed in their roles (Baddapuri, 2016).
It is necessary to induct because:
It saves a lot of money and time since an employee is guided on how to work and adapts to the new job quickly
It reduces employee turnover since the new employees are provided with information about the organization (Baddapuri, 2016).
It guarantees efficiency in work since the new employee has been introduced to the culture of the organization
It provides the necessary information to the newcomer in case of any queries (Baddapuri, 2016).
It makes the newcomer to be respected and the other employees attempt to make him feel welcome.
Baddapuri, D., 2016, Induction Training – How Does It Benefit the Company and the New Hire? Available at: (Accessed: February 10, 2023).
Balasubramanian, K. (2014). The significance of recruitment in an organization. Global Journal of Finance and Management, 6(8), 735-738.
Das, N., 2018, What is the Purpose and Importance of Recruitment? Available at: (Accessed: November 10, 2023).
Petersen, L., 2019, Why Is the Human Resource Selection Process Important? Available at: (Accessed: February 10, 2023).