Increased Communication
Allow employees to develop their own ideas and make their own decisions to make them feel like they are a part of the organization. This can only happen if they are free to interact with their coworkers and leaders. When employees communicate properly, they have a sense of belonging to a community, and this interaction brings purpose to their job. It also increases employee trust and reinforces working relationships, especially with leaders (Thompson, 2021).
Excellent leadership
A good leader should be able to share information clearly and frequently. Employees should be free to express their views and question their managers. A leader should also be liable and accept responsibility for his or her actions. A good leader tries to figure out what it is that isn’t working and then works to find a solution. He or she should frequently motivate employees to keep them going (Thompson, 2021).
Employee acknowledgment
The acknowledgment of an individual’s behavior, hard work, and accomplishments in aid of the organization’s goals and values is referred to as recognition. Employees who are frequently recognized will be motivated to put in additional effort to meet the organization’s objectives (Stevens, 2022).
Provision of workplace wellness services
Employees’ health and well-being are impacted by the massive amount of stress as well as fatigue they experience because they spend the bulk of their day at work. Illnesses, both physical and mental, are unavoidable. Employees experience stress, anxiety, depression, backaches, muscle pain, and other symptoms. As a result, it is the obligation of the company to provide a healthcare system that considers an employee’s overall well-being (Thompson, 2021)
Personal and professional growth
Employees quit their jobs because there isn’t enough challenging work. Employees leave when they believe their expectations for joining an organization are not being met. As a result, it is critical for them to work in positions that will develop their personal and professional careers. As a result, management has the incentive to offer them training programs as well as intellectually stimulating work that keeps them busy (Stevens, 2022).
Delegation of responsibilities and duties
When responsibilities are clearly and concisely defined in advance, there is no room for misunderstandings or confusion. Employees can understand their daily responsibilities and how they can contribute to the company (Stevens, 2022).
Work environment
Help employees to personalize their workstations. Adjust their workstation as per their preference. Also, provide them with flexible working hours and telecommuting so that they are more efficient (Thompson,2021).
Stevens, L., 2022, The Three Elements of Employee Engagement | Preciate. Available at:
Thompson, M., 2021, What are the Components of Employee Engagement? Available at: