AC 4.3 An explanation of how role information and socialisation can be included in effective onboarding programmes. An explanation of the benefits of onboarding, in terms of appreciation of the organisational culture and norms and employee effectiveness

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Role information is an onboarding framework in which professionals aid new employees in understanding key roles in a particular organisation. On the other hand, socialisation can be defined as a framework that aids employees in understanding and adopting organisational policies and culture. The two frameworks are vital for enabling employees to commit to the organisation and function effectively.

One key advantage of these frameworks is that they facilitate the successful integration of employees into a new organisation. Additionally, a successful onboarding process reduces induction crises. Lastly, the two frameworks allow employees to understand, appreciate, and adopt the organisational culture.

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AC 4.3 An explanation of how role information and socialisation can be included in effective onboarding programmes. An explanation of the benefits of onboarding, in terms of appreciation of the organisational culture and norms and employee effectiveness

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