AC 4.2 A discussion between the differences between expressed and implied terms of contracts, and what is meant by custom and practice

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Express and implied terms are the foundations of any employment contract and are basically the rights and duties of both employers and employees (NEU 2019). These terms are defined according to the UK’s Employment Rights Act of 1996. Express terms can be defined as rights and duties that are explicitly defined in a contract. This includes terms such as the job title, working hours, sick leave, notice pay, and pension schemes, among others. Express terms may exist in written or verbal form; however, UK law requires some clauses to be written down. However, sometimes the employers do not spell out every right and duty defined in the employment contract (implied). The key reason for this is because sometimes the right and duty may be quiet often. For example, mutual trust and confidence as well as the provision of a safe working environment. Effective express and implied terms are provided to employees before employment and should be in writing.

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AC 4.2 A discussion between the differences between expressed and implied terms of contracts, and what is meant by custom and practice

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