AC 2.4 provide a rationale for your decision, having used one or more decision-making tools to determine a recommended course of action based on evaluation of the benefits, risks and financial implications of potential solutions

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People practise involves ongoing decision-making during an employee’s tenure with the organisation. Compensation is one area of human conduct that necessitates sound judgement. Increased employee remuneration is a deliberate decision, as various circumstances influence it. While performance analysis is critical for compensation determination, it should also address other elements such as the minimum wage, external markets, and industrial payment rates.

Attracting and maintaining talent is a people-intensive process that can present various difficulties. Governmental and private companies face intense competition for the most skilled and qualified people. Recruitment of a sustainable staff is critical to the effectiveness and sustainability of an organisation. On the other hand, competitive pay and benefits may have an effect on turnover and the evaporation of the finest talent pool. The human resources department is responsible for making difficult decisions regarding the most effective strategies for increasing retention and recruiting the most outstanding talent pool. The framing-outcomes decision-making approach can be used to address retention and recruitment issues. Human resources can pinpoint particular reasons for turnover, ranging from compensation and benefits to organisational culture and the desire for professional advancement. HR can develop a solution that results in the desired outcome by defining the cause of the problem.

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AC 2.4 provide a rationale for your decision, having used one or more decision-making tools to determine a recommended course of action based on evaluation of the benefits, risks and financial implications of potential solutions

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