Task 1: Evidence-based Practice Presenation

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AC 1.1 Define what is meant by evidence-based practice and how it is applied within organisations, providing three examples of different types of evidence-based practice that can be used to inform principle-led judgments and outcomes for an organisation.

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Evidence-based practice is an organisational approach adopted by the human resource department, and it is focused on making effective decisions based on the available evidence in the organisation (Yoo et al., 2019) Evidence-based practice is applied within an organisation through the evaluation of evidences such as employee performance reports, organisations annual financial reports, employees’ feedback, and customer feedback. There are various ways in which the human resource department can enhance the collection of evidence, such as through using surveys, observation, or interviews.

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Asking questions is an example of evidence-based practice that can be used to inform principle-led judgments and outcomes of an organisation. Asking questions guides in the effective identification of a challenge and creates a guideline on what the decision is focused on. For example, in the case where the organisation is facing an increased turnover rate, some questions that can be formulated include, what is the cause of employee turnover, what aspects can be enhanced to increase employee satisfaction, and what external forces might be impacting employee turnover.

Evidence analysis is the second example of evidence-based practice that can be used to inform principle-led judgments, and this entails evaluation of the available evidence in the organisation to establish the most effective decision to be made. For example, evidence generated from employee response surveys may indicate that there is ineffective communication, lack of management support, and poor working conditions. These details are then evaluated effectively by the human resource managers and create effective decisions to enhance employee satisfaction.

Evaluation of options and implementation of a decision is the third example of evidence-based practice that can be used to inform principle-led decisions. After the effective evaluation of various evidences, the human resource department creates multiple options for solutions. This needs an effective selection to enhance the implementation of decisions (Yoo et al., 2019). There are various methods in which the organisation can implement decisions, such as through pilot implementation, which entails testing out a decision through running it with the existing operating procedures to measure its effectiveness.

AC 1.2 Explain the reasons why it is important to use data to help assist organisational improvements and why this data need to be timely, ethical, and accurate.

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It is important to use data to help assist organisational improvements as it enhances an increase in organisational productivity. The data needs to be timely, ethical, and accurate as it guides in the implementation of effective decisions. This guides in the creation of reference materials whereby organisations managers evaluate the existing organisational data and creates effective decisions, thus creating reference materials (Schildkamp, 2019). For example, the human resource department can evaluate the impact on cultural diversity in organisational production, and the data required to make effective decisions include customers surveys, employees’ feedback, and organisations financial reports.

Additionally, it is important to use data to help assist organisational improvements as it creates a point of reference. It is essential to have effective records management in an organisation that implements evidence-based practice. This creates a pool of reference whereby the human resource department is able to evaluate the data used in the creation of a given evidence. For example, in the implementation of a training and development programme in an organisation, the human resource has to document effective evidence which led to the creation of this decision and thus enhances effective organisational development.

AC 1.3 explain two different types of data measurements and information that can be used by people professionals and how they are each used to collect and collate information to support effective decision-making.

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Nominal scale is a data measurement that can be used by people professionals to support effective decision-making, and it focuses on aspects such as gender, culture, and technology. These aspects can be used to collect data in various forms for example, in the case where the organisation is focusing on making a decision based on the implementation of strategies to enhance productivity, they should focus on the impact of the changes on gender, organisational culture or technology (Higgins, and Deeks, 2019). Adopting various technological developments guides in the increase in organisational development. Additionally, ensuring that all the nominal scale aspects are evaluated before decision making allows the organisation to avoid making ineffective decisions that might affect productivity and employees’ wellbeing.

Ordinal scale is also a data measurement that can be used by people professionals to collect information to support effective decision making. Ordinal scale focuses on a precise measure of an aspect and an example includes the financial state of an organisation, it can either be high or low. This is used to collect information on organisations’ performance through aspects such as comparing organisations’ annual financial reports over a given period of time. This provides essential evidence to guide in the effective implementation of a decision focused on enhancing financial development.

AC 1.5 Explain how organisational policies, procedures, and other forms of evidence can be used to support appropriate choices and decisions.

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Organisational policies can be used to support appropriate decisions and choices as they create a direction in which the organisation should operate. Organisational policies are the set rules and regulations that govern the operations of an organisation. For example, a policy that focuses on employee wellness can be adopted in the implementation of evidence-based practice, such as implementing new operation procedures (Scholl et al., 2019). Through organisational policies, the human resource department will be able to evaluate if the decision made lies within the organisation’s policies to avoid the implementation of procedures that affect employee wellbeing.

Organisational policies, procedures, and other forms of evidence can be used to support appropriate choices, and it helps in creating long-term decisions. For example, when making decisions based on the recruitment and development of employees, the organisation needs to focus on future developments and changes in production and technology. This creates the need of applying organisational policies and procedures to guide in the selection f the most effective decision, which enhances flexibility without affecting organisational operations.

AC 2.1 Explain the range of internal and external customers and stakeholders that people professionals work with and the part that influencing plays within the relationships.

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Internal customers in the organisation entail the organisational employees, and people professionals work with them in enhancing effective decision making. Influencing plays a major role in the development of employees, such as through the implementation of a training and development programme. This influences employees’ skills and behaviour in an organisation and thus are able to work effectively towards the attainment of their targets which are aligned with the organisation’s main strategic goal.

External customers are made up of organisational clients, and they play a major role in influencing people’s practice activities. Through feedback collected based on their satisfaction with the organisation’s products and services, people professionals use the information to enhance effective decision-making (Gimeno-Arias et al., 2021). Additionally, external customers determine the continued growth of the organisation by highlighting their needs, and thus people’s professionals have to adopt changes in the organisation to enhance their satisfaction.

Stakeholders are the main organisational components, and their role is to enhance effective operations to guide the organisation towards the attainment of strategic goals. Stakeholders are made up of the human resource professionals, directors, and financiers. This group influences the work of people professionals as they set targets and development requirements that guide people professionals in decision making.

AC 2.2 Explain what is meant by creating value as a people professional, and identify the benefits of providing value to customers and stakeholders.

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Creating value as people professionals for organisational customers entails providing goods or services that match customers’ expectations and which create value for their money. The benefit of providing value to customers is that it increases customer satisfaction, thus leading to organisational development. Through customer satisfaction, people practice professionals are able to collect feedback essential in enhancing effective decision making through seeking customer feedback and recommendations (Freudenreich et al., 2020). Through the recommendations, people practice professionals can identify various opportunities which can be implemented to enhance growth.

Providing value for stakeholders entails creating an effective working environment for employees and enhancing effective management procedures which guide towards the attainment of the organisation’s strategic goals. Through providing value to stakeholders, people practice professionals enhance the creation of a development plan which guides the organisation towards the attainment of strategic goals and develops new opportunities which enhance organisational expansion.

AC 2.4 Drawing on good practice examples, explain how the work that people professionals perform benefits others within an organisation in supporting good practice, open cultures, commitment, and engagement.

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People’s practice professionals implement evidence-based practice to benefit organisational stakeholders and support good practice, open cultures, and commitment to engagement. Decisions made in an organisation based on available evidence enhance increased sustainability and creates an aspect of reference (Freudenreich et al., 2020). Organisations stakeholders can effectively evaluate the decision made by people practice professionals and thus creating good practice and accountability.

Additionally, people practice professionals implement training and development programmes aimed at enhancing employees’ skills, and this creates benefits to employees. The training is based on predetermined development areas that people professionals have evaluated, and this enhances the development of employees’ skills contributing to effective productivity. This supports the development of good practice, open cultures, commitment, and engagement.

AC 2.3 explains how social media can be used internally and externally in workplaces to improve communication and organisational practices, highlighting the risks in a work context.

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Social media can be used in an organisation to enhance the collection of feedback from employees and organisational customers. This enhances the creation of evidence essential in the enhancement of effective decision-making. Additionally, this method can be adopted in the organisation to enhance effective communication between employees and people practice professionals (Tajudeen et al., 2018). This saves on time as employees do not have to move from one place to the other to complete communication and thus saving of time. This aspect, however creates a risk in the effective collection of feedback as the system is accessible to a wide variety of people, and thus the data collected might be biased and lead to ineffective decision making.

AC 2.5 Outline how you can, in your own work or a voluntary role, achieve and maintain a customer-focused attitude to ensure consistent high standards and customer satisfaction.

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In my work, I can achieve and maintain a customer-focused attitude through maintaining professionalism in the interaction with customers. This creates an effective working environment and develops trust among customers. Additionally, collecting customer feedback and recommendations is an essential aspect that guides in the enhancement of effective decision-making based on available evidence. From employees’ feedback collected, the organisation is also able to identify key challenges affecting the continued development.

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Task 1: Evidence-based Practice Presenation

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