Identify THREE distinct steps that managers can take to encourage greater innovation and creativity in their organisations. Which do you think would be most effective in your sector or industry? Justify your answer.

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Employers aim to acquire competent employees who will assist in driving the organisation towards their goals and objectives, thus achieving their organisational success. However, employers seek the qualities of innovation and creativity in their employees to stimulate creativity and help the organisation explore new and unknown territories in the industry, thus fostering productivity and organisational performance (Kremer et al., 2019). In many contemporary organisations, employees are presented with the opportunity to present new creative ideas and innovative business approaches to promote organisational success. Therefore, three distinct steps managers can take to promote more incredible innovations and creativity among their employees in the organisations include;

Creating a Supportive Working Environment

A supportive work environment is critical to promoting creativity and innovation among employees. Therefore, to foster a supportive work environment, managers should refrain from criticizing their employee’s ideas, whether good or bad, as it demoralizes them from trying again. Furthermore, managers should create a flexible working environment for the employees, including flexible schedules and regular breaks (Kremer et al., 2019). When employees are allowed to rest, they can relax their minds, which can be a great habour of good ideas (Moussa et al., 2018). Giving employees room to rest allows them to get through blocks and develop creative solutions and drive towards organisational success, for they are not constantly too exhausted to think. Furthermore, a supportive work environment encompasses the manager offering time and resources to the employees to adequately equip them with creativity and the ability to explore new horizons for innovative ideas that would come in handy in helping the organisation keep its competitors at bay.

Compensating Creativity and Innovation

Rewarding employees for their efforts is a great way to encourage them to become more creative and innovative. Whether verbally or financially, compensating employees is vital in developing a work culture that encourages them to constantly think of new ideas that eventually contribute to organisational success (Matsuo, 2022). For instance, if an employee who presented a practical idea that has boosted organisational productivity is rewarded through a bonus, salary increase, or promotion, employees will also be encouraged to seek out such ideas, which results in organisational growth. Compensating employees also shows the employees that their ideas are valued and respected in the organisation ((Kremer et al., 2019). When employees feel valued and respected, they are motivated to do their best as they feel they are a vital component of the organisation. Therefore, managers must ensure that they regularly offer rewards to employees who offer ideas that result in organisational productivity, success, and growth.

Providing Employees with Training and Learning Opportunities

Another component contributing to employee creativity and innovation is regular training and learning. Providing employees with career development opportunities is essential to sharpen their skills. Thus, they are better positioned to be more creative and innovative. Employees who lack training or are rarely offered learning opportunities to be conversant with emerging trends often find it challenging to develop new ideas that steer the organisation toward a new direction (Matsuo, 2022). Therefore, it is essential to offer learning opportunities to employees through hands-on lessons, seminars, and lectures. Employees are more equipped to adapt to changing and improving work environments when equipped with training and development programs, becoming more creative and innovative ((Matsuo, 2022)). Therefore, the employees can be more equipped and motivated to develop new and creative ideas for any organization’s challenges.

The Most Effective Step in the Marketing Industry

Creativity and innovation are critical in the marketing sector as they allow a company to acquire an advantage over its competitors in congested markets. Being creative and occasionally thinking outside the box may pay off quite well in the marketing profession. Developing tactics that will assist the marketing team in pushing boundaries and creating big ideas will aid the organisation in moving to the next stage of development (Balietti, and Riedl, 2021). Managers must first establish a supportive working atmosphere to foster more incredible innovation and originality in the marketing business, which can be achieved by listening to the marketing team’s problems, assisting them as needed, and offering emotional support. Managers can also establish open office hours during which the marketing team can share challenges and difficulties they are encountering in the field and how they might assist them in succeeding (Allahar, 2018).

Marketers, for example, are frequently confronted with diverse and compartmentalized data as a result of rapid digital revolutions, which stifle their creativity and innovation. By discussing these issues with their supervisors, marketers can develop more creative and novel ways to engage with customer data. Creating a conducive atmosphere marketing environment also requires managers to communicate clearly to the marketing team their duties and responsibilities in ensuring that they innovatively and creatively engage customers.

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Identify THREE distinct steps that managers can take to encourage greater innovation and creativity in their organisations. Which do you think would be most effective in your sector or industry? Justify your answer.

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