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Your knowledge and understanding of the material covered in this specialist unit will be assessed by the submission of an assessment.

You will write four answers of approximately 1000 words to the questions posed and submit them together in a single document. This constitutes your assessment for this unit. The total word count for the assessment will therefore be 4000 words, plus or minus 10%. The bibliography, list of references and essential appendixes (if applicable) are not included in the total word count – but the latter must be kept to a minimum across all assessments.

You must demonstrate within the submitted evidence (through headings and sub-headings) which learning outcomes and assessment criteria have been cited. We are unable to moderate your work if this is not included.

As this is an Advanced Diploma, it is important that you are able to demonstrate not only good knowledge and understanding of the material associated with each learning outcome, but also the ability to develop an original argument and justify it persuasively with reference to wider reading. Examples of approaches taken in a range of organisations are also an effective means by which to
justify your arguments.

The six main criteria that CIPD requires centres to use when marking the assignments are outlined
below, but it may be that not all these criteria are present in every question.

  1. focus
  2. depth and breadth of understanding
  3. strategic application and professional advice
  4. research and wider reading
  5. persuasiveness and originality
  6. presentation and language

Assessment questions

Research suggests that by 2030 there will be more jobs than people. In this talent-led market, reward strategies will become increasingly important to help organisations to stand out and attract and retain the very best candidates.

In response to this your local CIPD branch is holding a discussion event titled,
‘Are our reward strategies fit for purpose?’

As a member of the branch committee, you have been asked to contribute to this discussion by addressing the following questions:

Question 1 (AC 1.2)

Drawing upon specific examples, discuss how the components of a reward strategy can vertically align with the organisation’s strategy and horizontally align with other people practices within an organisation.

Question 2 (AC 2.3 )

Critically evaluate one individual and one team/company-wide contingency-based pay scheme for the organisation and the employee.

Question 3 (AC 3.3)

Argue the case for and against using performance appraisals in the formulation of pay progression decisions.

Question 4 (AC 4.2)

Critically review the advantages and disadvantages of using different forms of job evaluation to help determine reward decisions.

Marking Grid

Learners will receive a Pass, Merit, Distinction or Refer / Fail result at unit level.

Assessors must provide a mark from 1 to 4 for each Learning Outcome in the unit. Assessors should use the generic grade descriptor grid as guidance so they can provide comprehensive feedback that is developmental for learners. Please be aware that not all of the generic grade descriptors will be present in every learning outcome for all the assignments, so assessors must use their discretion in
making grading decisions.

To pass the unit assessment learners must achieve a 2 (Pass) or above for each of the learning outcomes.

The overall mark achieved will dictate the Grade the learner receives for the Unit, provided NONE of the learning outcomes have been failed or referred. A detailed marking grid will be released once the 4 questions are published.

Learners’ result should be recorded in a marking grid similar to the example below.
Marking grid: